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Five Cost Effective Marketing Strategies for Your New Practice

marketing strategy for new practice

3 min read

Opening a new law practice is an expensive endeavor. From building costs to hiring staff members, the necessary expenses add up quickly. This leaves little room for the high cost of getting your name out and attracting new clients to your firm.

Television advertisement is extremely expensive, with the cost of radio ads and direct mailing close behind. But even on a tight budget, marketing is not something you can ignore if you want to build a successful practice. Here are five strategies for marketing your law firm in a cost effective manner.

  1. Social media is your friend
    1. Facebook – It’s not only for keeping up with family and friends. Business pages and groups offer a budget-friendly method of marketing your business.
    2. Linked In – This professional networking platform is an extremely useful way of marketing your practice to other business minded individuals. Unlike Facebook, the majority of posts and topics on Linked In focus around business related issues.
    3. Twitter and Instagram – The effectiveness of using Twitter and Instagram largely depends on your practice area and who you are trying to attract. For example, an entertainment lawyer or attorney who caters to younger clients may find great success with these platforms.
  2.  Networking – Most state and local bar associations offer numerous opportunities for networking with other attorneys and legal professionals, including social events, practice area meetings and training events. Take the time to attend some of these events and network with other attorneys.
  3.  Ask for leftovers – Take an established attorney to lunch and ask for case referrals. They may send you cases in practice areas they are no longer interested in, or cases they do not have the time to handle. To be truthful, these cases may represent low hanging fruit, with smaller profitability. However, a bushel of low hanging fruit can ensure that the lights stay on and the staff gets paid, while you are building your practice and strengthening your skills.
  4.  Get published – Show off your knowledge and expertise by writing an article for a trade magazine. This is especially effective for business and transactional attorneys. Identify where your ideal clients are and what resources they reference on a regular basis. Then, get your words in front of them. Articles allow you to showcase your expertise and build a trust with potential clients.
  5.  Volunteer at clinics or legal advice events – Most cities have a nonprofit organization that provides free advice to individuals in the community. These clinics not only offer an opportunity to give back, but they also provide a means for getting in front of potential clients. Giving advice builds trust and some recipients may decide to hire you as their attorney.

Marketing is a necessary task for the creation of a successful law practice.  Without clients, you cannot earn a profit. Implement these cost-effective tips to start attracting clients and building a successful firm.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a Virginia based writer with a passion for all things legal. As a former domestic relations attorney, she understands the challenge of determining the best fee structure for your practice. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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