Managing the millennial lawyer
Millennial lawyers
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Managing the millennial lawyer

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The millennial generation isn’t always portrayed in the best light. In fact, the youngest members of the workforce are often characterized by such negative descriptors as entitled, narcissistic, and difficult to manage. While these descriptions are ripe for debate, what is certain is the fact that the legal landscape is filled with young lawyers in their 20s and 30s. So, it’s important that managing partners and supervising attorneys learn what makes these young people tick and how to effectively manage them.


The Digital Generation

Though most of the millennial descriptions amount to nothing more than useless stereotypes, there are some concrete differences in the way that these young attorneys have been taught to see the world. For example, the millennial generation is the most digitally connected and advanced generation to date. They grew up on computers and video games, browsing the internet and watching You-Tube millionaires.

What does this mean for your firm? It means that you have built-in experts on all things social media. By tapping into their knowledge, you can advance your practice with innovative marketing techniques. Make one of your talented young lawyers the firm’s social media manager and allow her to create a stellar digital presence for your firm. It’s difficult coming into an established law office as a new attorney. The added responsibility may help with the transition and make her feel more like an integral part of the team.


The mobile generation

Though they are only 29% of the total US population, millennials account for about 47% of all smartphone nationwide. Working remotely is not a major transition for them because they are used to handling various aspects of their lives remotely. If you have ever wanted to make the transition to a virtual practice or just increase the amount of work your firm accomplishes remotely, a millennial attorney may be just the candidate to lead the way.

Ask one of your young lawyers to spearhead efforts at increasing remote capabilities among all members of the firm, including the implementation of a remote time tracking system like TimeSolv. Let him use his experience and expertise to assist the practice in moving towards a more mobile and efficient model.

The millennial lawyers has a lot to offer your law firm. Don’t let stereotypes and false characterizations keep you from tapping into an extremely valuable resource, with loads of potential.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a freelance writer with a passion for law. Through her business, The Legal Writing Studio, she helps legal professionals deliver effective written messages. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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