Minimize your Overhead with an Affordable Billing System
Bills and invoices
3 min read

Minimize your Overhead with an Affordable Billing System

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3 min read

The practice of law is a service based profession. You are constantly providing your clients with valuable time, energy, and knowledge. The practice of law is also a business where profits matter. How much service can you provide without enough money to keep the doors open?

There’s a lot at stake in your practice. So, why are you wasting money on expensive law firm billing programs that provide no additional value for your practice? Some of the most utilized programs on the market are the most expensive to implement and maintain. Yet, many of them are archaic at best, falling significantly behind in the areas of innovation and convenience.

In this series, I am comparing these “traditional” billing systems with the features and benefits of TimeSolv legal tracking and billing software. I will also show you how simple it is to upgrade your billing system, along with your practice. Let’s begin the conversation with cost.

Many of the traditional legal billing software options offer their services through a user license. For example, Timeslips is currently advertising its program installation for one user at a price of $519. The fee for two users is about $775 and ten users will cost approximately $2,974.

Now, when considering these prices individually, this may seem like an affordable option. After all, if you add up the subscription prices that most cloud-based legal billing programs offer, you come up with a somewhat comparable cost.  (By the way, TimeSolv offers some of the lowest subscription costs in the industry.) However, with these server-based programs, you can’t solely look at the price because there are always extra costs. Let’s consider at a few:

  • The server – Purchasing the program is only half of the battle. You must also purchase a server to host it. This can be extremely costly, especially if you want to bill from multiple computers.
  • The upkeep – Of course you will want to stay up to date with the program’s latest version, but that’s going to cost you. Some companies charge for updates. In addition, they often come along with glitches and glitches require technicians. Now, you’re not only paying for the program, the server and the potential costs of updates, but you are also regularly paying a technician to keep you up and running.
  • The unexpected emergency – Its 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon. Without warning, your billing system crashes, leaving you frustrated and looking for a technician who makes service calls on a weekend afternoon. I can literally hear the money leaving your business account.

TimeSolv is cloud-based, so no dedicated server is required, which saves you time and money. The team completes updates automatically. You don’t need an outside technician for all the latest and greatest improvements.  What about those unexpected emergencies?  TimeSolv is proud to offer its clients a state-of-the-art development environment that provides virtually 100% uptime and continuous reliability.

Don’t get caught in the money trap of an archaic legal billing program. Click here and try TimeSolv. It’s free for 30 days and we don’t even ask for your credit card. You won’t be disappointed.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a Virginia based writer with a passion for all things legal. As a former domestic relations attorney, she understands the challenge of determining the best fee structure for your practice. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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