Saving time with TimeSolv’s integration features
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Saving time with TimeSolv’s integration features

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The folks at TimeSolv continuously search for ways to make the administrative tasks of law practice more efficient and less time consuming. In furtherance of this goal, their time tracking and legal billing software offers numerous integration options to easily synchronize time, document and expense data with a variety of platforms.



If Quickbooks is your accounting software of choice, TimeSolv’s integration feature allows for effortless synchronization with the online and desktop versions. You can set your preferences to transfer data from one of the programs to the other or you can get fancy and opt for bidirectionality between the two. With this option, you only have to enter your data once. That means writing a check in Quickbooks will automatically sync with your TimeSolv billing system and vice versa. Once you input the data into one program, you can rest assured that it is accurately reflected in the other.



Many legal practices benefit from the cloud-based email and document storage capabilities of Netdocuments. With integration, you can access all of your client data stored within Netdocuments through the TimeSolv application. This not only allows your associates and staff members to quickly retrieve necessary information, it also allows your firm to efficiently use TimeSolv as its hub for the management of client matters.



Dropbox is another popular document management system among law firms. It maintains virtual documents in a secure cloud-based platform, and enables firm members to share documents directly with clients when appropriate. TImeSolv’s integration feature enables you to access your Dropbox files from the TimeSolv system. The integration options even allow for the automatic generation of new clients matters in Dropbox when they are created in TimeSolv.


Client Portal with LawPay

TimeSolv’s Client Portal is one of the most innovative aspects of their service. Not only does it empower clients to independently view invoices, payment histories, trust balances, and details of work in progress, it also saves your staff time and energy. The system’s integration with Law Pay means that you can easily accept credit card and ACH payments right through the portal. Whether a client is making a one-time remittance, or recurring payments, TImeSolv and LawPay make it seamless and easy for you and them.



Formerly known as MYOB, Accountedge is a small business accounting software that works on MAC and Windows. Through TimeSolv integration, you can export invoices, payments, write-offs, trust deposits, and disbursements directly from TimeSolv to AccountEdge. To make accounting tasks even more efficient, each transaction is categorized with a specific debit or credit account.


Integration is just one of the many features that set TImeSolv apart from antiquated time management and billing programs. Find out all of the ways TimeSolv can benefit you, by starting your 30-day free trial today.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a freelance writer with a passion for law. Through her business, The Legal Writing Studio, she helps legal professionals deliver effective written messages. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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