Productivity in Bloom: Enhancing Your Legal Practice with TimeSolv
Productivity in Bloom Enhancing Your Legal Practice with TimeSolv
12 min read

Productivity in Bloom: Enhancing Your Legal Practice with TimeSolv

Practical tips to getting paid faster and avoid missing on wide array of avenues, including credit, cash, check, or bitcoin.

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ForbesAdvisor - The Best Legal Billing Software Of 2022
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Delivering a personal touch at your legal practice can ensure smooth communication between parties and help deliver a great client experience. But not all of your firm’s processes need that personal touch.  

In fact, if your law firm is still making do with manually… 

  • Entering data 
  • Tracking time and expenses 
  • Managing projects 
  • Creating invoices 
  • Processing payments 
  • Following up with clients 

… those personal touches on administrative processes will cost you a lot of time.  

Manual processes can also lead to:  

  • Decision fatigue  
  • Poor data management  
  • Inconsistency in workflows  
  • Difficulty scaling operations 
  • Decreased client satisfaction 

It can be easy to put off making changes to well-worn processes, but the benefits far outweigh the risks. Let’s look at a few of the most common workflow challenges law firms face and how TimeSolv can transform them.  

The problem: Trouble with tracking time 

Plenty of attorneys out there track their time manually. While this process is technically fine, manual entry is time-consuming and often comes with errors that result in losing billable time, which costs your firm money.  

What’s more, manual time tracking isn’t realistic to scale for law firms looking to grow.  

TimeSolv’s solution: Automatic time-tracking 

TimeSolv provides law firms with time-tracking software that allows them to track any task from anywhere with the click of a button. Not only is it easier to track time, but law firms can also set up productive time-tracking processes.  

With TimeSolv, firms can:  

  • Establish matter budgets for projects 
  • Use custom abbreviations for entries 
  • Evaluate time tracked with easy-to-use analytics 

Even better, TimeSolv allows law firms to track time from wherever they work, meaning that your productivity doesn’t have to dip just because your location changes. 


The Ultimate Guide to Automating Your Legal Billing and Payments

To stay competitive in today’s legal landscape, law firms must embrace the power of technology, especially when it comes to billing and payments.

The best way to improve your law firm’s cash flow while also increasing client convenience is 'Automation'.

Download our free guide to improve your legal billing and payment process today!

The problem: Task management tangles 

Managing multiple tasks for different clients with a variety of team members involved can be a cumbersome endeavor when you’re relying on manual processes.

Miscommunication, manual errors, and frequent back-and-forth with your team about what needs to be done and when can lead to bottlenecks and missed deadlines that negatively impact your firm’s client relationships and, ultimately, its reputation. 

TimeSolv’s solution: Project management software 

With TimeSolv’s project management software, you can easily create, assign, and monitor tasks to avoid confusion, disorganization, or delays.  

Setting up matter plans allows legal work to unfold in an orderly manner. Here are the steps: 

  • Create matter plans that include detailed budgets  
  • Establish milestones with unique phases and tasks for projects  
  • Assign tasks and time budgets to timekeepers  
  • Review progress and update as needed 

Once you’ve established effective processes, save projects as templates to reuse on future client work.  

TimeSolv’s project management features also allow for transparency with clients. Share projects with stakeholders and collaborators to ensure budgets, timelines, and progress are satisfactory to everyone involved.  

The Problem: Communication breakdowns 

Responsive communication is a hallmark of great client service. Yet, if you’re trying to deliver that timely communication by vigilantly monitoring your inbox, you may find staying productive an uphill battle.  

Not only does switching between emails and client work lead to distractions, these distractions can lead to miscommunications, delays, and decreased client satisfaction.  

TimeSolv’s solution: Secure client portals 

Good client communication doesn’t mean dedicating yourself to your inbox. Instead, you can rely on tools that empower clients to access necessary information without additional assistance.  

With a secure client portal, all of the information your clients need gets stored in one location. 

When your clients log into your portal, they can: 

  • Easily view and download their invoices to get a clear understanding of how they’re being billed 
  • View work in progress to see what work has been done, what work is in progress, and stay in the loop with everything that’s happening on the case 
  • Check their trust account balances independently so they can prepare to replenish funds if necessary instead of calling you to get the numbers 
  • Access account statements to ensure that all their payments are accounted for in regard to their matter 

By making routine information easily accessible, you can empower your clients to find answers to common questions on their own. This saves them time and helps you provide them with more efficient and effective service. 

The Problem: Resource sharing snafus 

Legal work requires the regular exchange of information, whether it’s getting a new engagement letter signed or requesting evidence be submitted for an upcoming trial. And once you exchange that information, your firm has to make sure it stays organized and accessible.  

Strategy is everything here. Without a mindful plan for requesting, sharing, and managing documents, law firms can find themselves buried under a mountain of paper (literally or figuratively).  

TimeSolv’s solution: Seamless document management 

Create order and accessibility out of document chaos with TimeSolv. TimeSolv enables law firms to efficiently manage all the documents that cross their desk (again, literally or figuratively) with features like:  

  • Cloud-based document management software that keeps all of your important data on one platform so that anyone working on a project can get what they need when they need it 
  • Search functionality that allows you to quickly locate any file associated with a particular matter 
  • Access controls that ensure only the team members assigned to a task or matter can access critical files 
  • Integrated messaging that allows for seamless collaboration instead of stumbling through the process and relying on guesswork 

The Problem: Payment pitfalls 

If your firm is still relying on traditional payment methods like paper checks, you might end up waiting weeks or months to get paid. Similarly, these analog payment systems make it more cumbersome to follow up with clients to avoid late payments in the first place.  

The end result: your firm loses valuable time trying to get paid for work you’ve already done.    

TimeSolv’s solution: Online payment processors 

Legal-specific payment processors can be a time- and cash-flow saver for busy law firms looking to increase their productivity.  

TimeSolvPay enables law firms to accept multiple payment types and get paid faster while making things more convenient for their clients—talk about a win-win scenario.  

With our payment solution, you can: 

  • Securely accept credit card and ACH payments online to get paid faster 
  • Store client credit card or ACH information and run hundreds of payments with one click 
  • Allow clients to pay with a secure client portal that makes it easy for them to send funds 
  • Use next-day funding so that you get paid as soon as payment hits your account 

Ready to take your legal practice to new heights? 

If your practice management processes are in need of more than just a minor upgrade, then it’s time to look into the tools that will help you work smarter, not harder. 

When you use TimeSolv, you’ll benefit from a suite of software solutions that will help you dial in your processes, from tracking time and project management to invoicing, billing, and accepting credit card payments so that your firm can continue on the path to success.  

Ready to see what TimeSolv can do for you? Schedule your free trial today. 

The Ultimate Guide to Automating Your Legal Billing and Payments

To stay competitive in today’s legal landscape, law firms must embrace the power of technology, especially when it comes to billing and payments.

The best way to improve your law firm’s cash flow while also increasing client convenience is 'Automation'.

Download our free guide to improve your legal billing and payment process today!

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