How technology is making lawyers & firms look awesome
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TimeSolv insights: How technology is making lawyers & firms look awesome!

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Tech options abound for savvy lawyers, and these new innovations are making law firms look quite impressive in the performance of their legal and administrative duties. From marketing automation to billing and client relations, your competition is using these tech options to stand out from the crowd – so why aren’t you?

In this post, we’ll take a look at five ways technology is making law firms and attorneys look awesome.



In the competitive industry of legal practice, a successful law firm must stand out to potential and existing clients. This means that you need to brand your practice in an effective way, so why not get a little help from some technology?

Marketing assistance

Did you know that there’s marketing technology to automate your online posting, saving you time and effort? If you didn’t, it’s time to learn all about it. These tech options handle various marketing tasks, including keeping track of blogs, social media postings, email campaigns, and audience segmentation for the most appropriate marketing strategies.


Modern technology has also made it much easier to create impactful videos for marketing purposes. Video marketing provides an effective and innovative approach for reaching your clients in an interesting way. Use it to promote your practice, deliver your unique message, and improve your firm’s online presence.

And with all of the new tech on the market, you don’t need to spend money on a professional video editing service. With the right lighting and video editing software, you can create impactful videos right from your office.



Making your law firm awesome is also about maximizing your profits and handling tasks in the most efficient matter possible. Wasted time equals wasted money, and wasted money shows up as lost profits. That’s why it’s important to incorporate legal tech that promotes efficiency among every member of your practice.


Many law firms employ a billing process that takes up far too much time and energy, leaving your attorneys and support staff frustrated. The right billing platform can greatly simplify this process, making it much easier to create and send regular invoices. With billing software from TimeSolv, you can spend less time getting bills out the door and more time accumulating billable hours.

Online Payments

Once the bills are sent, your firm needs legal technology that allows you to collect payments in an efficient way. Online payments have become a staple of our economy and your firm should be no different. Clients appreciate the ability to make payments online and you will likely find that your invoices are satisfied more quickly. TimeSolv’s integration with LawPay allows your firm to collect credit card payments in a manner that complies with your state’s requirements.

Research and Discovery

Technology has also infused efficiency into legal research and the discovery process. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is being used to identify specific words, phrase, or concepts within sets of documents, making the document review process much quicker to complete. On the legal research side, AI helps identify cases, statutes, and theories that support an attorney’s legal argument, cutting down on research time and ensuring the accuracy of supporting information.



Speaking of accuracy, lawyers need to be accurate when tracking time spent on client matters. Not only is it unprofessional to pass along inaccurate billing statements, but it may also create an ethical dilemma.

Time Tracking

Innovative time-tracking software, like TimeSolv, provides the tools to make time tracking convenient and easy to complete. Your firm members can access the program right from their desktop or through the company’s mobile app when they are working out of the office. With a touch of the screen, they can start a timer that tracks the amount of time it takes to complete a task.

If the user is connected to the internet, the tracked time is immediately synched with the firm’s platform, for easy review and billing usage. But even if working offline, time can be accurately tracked and automatically synced when an internet connection becomes available. Time Solv’s software keeps your time tracking and billing accurate – making your firm look awesome!



The practice of law exists within a larger mobile economy. With smartphone technologies and countless apps, people move through life expecting the convenient delivery of services – and your legal clients are no exception. Growing your practice may require coffee shop meetings or conferences at an off-site location.

Mobile capabilities allow you to access client files remotely, instead of lugging around cumbersome paper files. It keeps you organized, so you truly look awesome in front of your clients. The right technology also provides the ability to track your time, quickly and immediately, so the days of jotting down hours and minutes are over.


Client service

Legal tech can greatly contribute to the level of service you provide your clients. Lawyers can use tools like client portals and project management platforms to more effectively meet client needs. Sophisticated clients expect that their legal needs will be met with a high level of professionalism, and the right legal technology assists you in making that happen.

Client Portal

With a client portal, clients can log into their individual account to review work done on their matters, see their trust account balances, receive invoices, and pay their legal bills. A client portal can even be used for recurring payments, so your staff can focus on the most profitable aspects of running your law firm, without sacrificing the high-level service you provide your clients.

Legal Project Management

A legal project management system allows you to effectively plan out a client matter and all of the tasks required to complete it. Clients appreciate the consideration that goes into the project preparation because they know exactly what to expect in terms of strategy and tasks, as well as cost. There are no surprise costs on the backend, which helps strengthen the client’s trust in your law firm along with the overall attorney-client relationship.

Keep your law practice looking awesome with some tech innovations. For more information about TimeSolv’s legal billing and time tracking software, click here for a free, no-obligation trial.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a freelance writer with a passion for law. Through her business, The Legal Writing Studio, she helps legal professionals deliver effective written messages. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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