You should be podcasting
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3 min read

You should be podcasting

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3 min read

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? If not, maybe you should. These little bite-size pieces of audio content can go a long way in enhancing your current marketing strategy. If you aren’t sure how a podcast works, think of it as a radio talk show, but over the internet. You establish the content.  You pick your guests (or go it alone).  You are in control of the entire process.

America is slowly becoming a nation of podcast listeners. For you, the really good news is that this continues to be a growing trend that only half of the country has caught onto, which means it isn’t  a saturated marketing tool with no room for new participants. With valuable content and some personality, you can attract a sizable audience and maybe a some new clients.



Think about your favorite morning radio or television show.  Why is it your favorite? It’s probably a combination of content and likeability.  A podcast works the same way.  People will tune in find out more about what you know. Now to you, what you know may not seem like much, but that’s only because you aren’t looking at it from the perspective of a non-lawyer. I don’t know you personally, but I’m pretty sure that three years of law school and years of experience have taught you a few things. What may seem like the simplest of topics to you can be interesting and valuable information  to a listener.

When people feel that they have learned something from you, it increases your credibility and makes them want to return for more. Are you worried about coming up with content? Well, it’s really not that difficult. If you blog regularly on your website, you have all the content you need for a podcast.



The other wow factor is likability. People prefer to give their business to people they like. This doesn’t mean that you have to create some alternate persona or change your personality to fit what you think people want to hear. Just being yourself is probably enough. I won’t mention any names, but there are some particularly unpleasant talk show hosts in the world. Yet, they consistently have substantial audiences. That’s because people relate to authenticity and a podcast allows you to be directly who you are. If you like telling corny jokes, tell them. If profanity is part of your regular vernacular, so be it. Though I’m sure you will want to keep your podcast professional, there’s nothing wrong with a little injection a personality.

Getting started is easy. A simple Google search will give you all the information you need to get your podcast up and running. As always, make sure you check the ethics of your state… then, commence to podcasting!

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a freelance writer with a passion for law. Through her business, The Legal Writing Studio, she helps legal professionals deliver effective written messages. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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