On-the-Go Efficiency: Managing Legal Time and Expenses Anywhere with TimeSolv
On-the-Go Efficiency Managing Legal Time and Expenses Anywhere with TimeSolv
11 min read

On-the-Go Efficiency: Managing Legal Time and Expenses Anywhere with TimeSolv

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Lawyers are frequently required to take their work outside of the traditional office setting, be it meeting clients for lunch, attending court sessions, or working while traveling. Just because you’ve left the office doesn’t mean your time and expenses don’t have to be tracked—billable hours are still billable hours, and expenses are still expenses! 

But if you’ve been carrying around a notepad to log your time away from your desk (or jotting notes into your smartphone), we’re here to tell you there’s a better way to capture everything you do—without creating extra work.  

In fact, you can be more efficient and more focused with mobile legal time and expense tracking tools like TimeSolv.  

5 challenges of remote legal work 

While working remotely offers flexibility and the ability to operate beyond the confines of the office, it comes with its own set of unique challenges, especially with time tracking and expense management. 

Here are five issues legal professionals might run into with managing time and expenses on the go: 

1. Inaccurate time tracking 

Using manual time tracking can be dicey no matter where you work, but if you’re working remotely, it’s even harder. The same goes for using legacy on-premise time-tracking solutions.  

Without tools that provide cloud accessibility, billable hours can fall between the cracks, and attorneys risk misreporting billable hours. Inaccurate billing can lead to a cascade of issues, including damaged client relationships, compliance violations, and decreased revenue.  

2. Poor expense management 

From travel costs to filing fees, law firm expenses can add up. What’s more, without the right tools, managing your expenses remotely can be tough. 

Attorneys who rely on traditional methods that require manual entry and receipt collection while they’re on the go are left open to human error with inputs that can lead to potential financial discrepancies and delays in billing.

FREE Legal Billing Terms Cheat Sheet

Legal billing terms can be confusing.

TimeSolv has prepared a list of the most commonly used legal billing terms that lawyers use in routine. It's a must to have it in your pinned files, sticky notes, or however you carry your essentials while practicing.

Download our cheat sheet and get all the information you need!

3. Consistency and productivity 

Maintaining a consistent workflow and productivity outside the office can be difficult. From the distractions in non-office environments to collaboration difficulties and the absence of immediate access to office resources, many attorneys on the go can feel like they’re spinning their wheels instead of moving forward. 

4. Data security and privacy 

With the surge in cyber attacks in 2023, the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches is a significant concern. This concern is especially elevated in the legal industry, which deals with sensitive client information, financial data, and ethical responsibilities to safeguard it all.  

Ensuring the privacy of sensitive client information on your mobile devices is paramount. If you’re not using a modern solution to protect your data, you could be leaving the door open for cybercriminals to wreak havoc on your practice. 

5. Client transparency and communication 

Effective communication and transparency with clients regarding billable hours and expenses incurred can become a complicated ordeal when you’re working remotely.  

Without the right solution on your side, it can be tough to provide timely updates and clearly detailed billing information, which can strain client relationships or result in disputes with invoices.

TimeSolv supports attorneys on the go   

Recognizing these challenges, we set out to offer mobile-friendly software that empowers legal professionals to manage time and expenses with a convenient mobile app. With TimeSolv’s mobile app, attorneys can capture billable hours and expenses, stay productive and profitable, maintain data security, and collaborate efficiently with clients.  

Capture more billable hours and expenses 

Our mobile app’s real-time tracking feature ensures that every billable minute is captured accurately, eliminating the guesswork and inaccuracies that come with manual time entry.  

The app’s on-the-go expense management capability allows for the immediate recording of expenditures, from court fees to travel expenses and more, ensuring that no billable expense slips through the cracks. 

As an added bonus, our mobile app functions even when you’re not connected to the internet, allowing you to continue tracking your time and expenses in areas with poor or no connectivity. 

Boost productivity and profitability   

When you use our mobile tools, you can significantly enhance your productivity. The ability to manage your tasks in real time without the need to retroactively reconstruct your day to account for hours ensures a more consistent and efficient workflow. 

This real-time approach not only benefits individual lawyers but also streamlines your firm’s overall billing process, leading to quicker invoicing and faster payments from clients. 

Just as importantly, the immediate capture of billable hours and expenses translates to more accurate billing and improved revenue for your firm. 

Keeping your data secure 

Legal work requires the confidentiality and security of client data, and TimeSolv is dedicated to ensuring that you’re as protected as possible from malicious cybercriminals who could compromise your firm’s integrity. 

Our app incorporates advanced security features to protect data and privacy, employing bank-grade encryption and secure authentication methods to ensure that the only person capable of accessing your data is you. 

Client collaboration on the go 

Going beyond individual productivity and data security, TimeSolv provides a secure client portal that allows legal professionals to share billing information and updates with clients directly from the app, which can help foster transparency and trust. 

This real-time collaboration ensures that your clients are always in the loop regarding the progress of their cases and the associated costs, which keeps clients happy and can help streamline the approval and payment process. 

Give your firm a little more get up and go with TimeSolv’s mobile app  

If your firm is being held back by the constraints of processes that require you to track time and expenses from the office, it’s time to make the leap to a solution designed with the unique needs of attorneys in mind. 

From real-time, up-to-the-minute time tracking that works even when you’re not connected to robust expense tracking features that ensure you never lose a penny of what you spend, TimeSolv mobile has the tools your firm needs to turbocharge your productivity and streamline your legal time and expense management. 

Ready to see what TimeSolv can do for your firm? Sign up for a free trial today.  

FREE Legal Billing Terms Cheat Sheet

Legal billing terms can be confusing.

TimeSolv has prepared a list of the most commonly used legal billing terms that lawyers use in routine. It's a must to have it in your pinned files, sticky notes, or however you carry your essentials while practicing.

Download our cheat sheet and get all the information you need!

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